Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Six Jihadists Arrested In New Jersey Today

"If these people did something, then they deserve to be punished to the fullest extent of the law," said Sohail Mohammed, a lawyer who represented scores of detainees after the 2001 attacks. "But when the government says `Islamic militants,' it sends a message to the public that Islam and militancy are synonymous."

Okay now, everybody on three DUH!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The First Democratic Debate

1) I am elated. After watching the entire debate, I know that even when severely under the influence of my favorite single malt, I am smarter than any two of them put together.
2) Does anyone believe that anyone on that stage has the courage to defend our nation from those who would burn it and us to the ground (other than Richardson)?? Obama volunteered to make sure that the emergency response was good after two more American cities had been attacked.
3) Gravel Kucenich would be really tough ticket for the Democratic wack jobs to resist. Think I'll send in a couple of bucks.
4) Cannot trust anyone with hair as pretty as Edwards.
5) By the way, someone needs to remind Edwards that the Supreme Court is not the old guys in the corner, but the third co-equal branch of government. Remind me again, how long was he a senator??

Observations on The Show "24"

After watching quite a few episodes this year, my significant other and I have a few observations:

- No one ever eats. No snacks, no pizza, no Chinese takeout, munchies. This includes Jack, Chloe (beaver/chipmunk face), Milo, the drunken Aussie, Nadia, and Bill the guy who runs the show. No one even has a cup of coffee in their hand.
- Along the same lines, why is no one ever caught in the bathroom when the nuke blows up or Jack is torturing someone. No one has ever been shown racing back to their station with pants or skirt around their ankles and TP streaming from their ass?
- No one has any sex. However, Milo did show some signs of life towards Nadia in the last episode (who can blame him!)
- Everyone and everything on the show is monochromatic. Don’t they have any friends or injured field agents who might have a splash of color sense??
- Why does Jack’s cel phone battery never die?
- Why does Jack’s weapon make a cocking sound when he is clearly using a hammerless military or law enforcement model Glock or analog??
- How the hell do they get so much stuff done in just one hour??